

实用生活英语口语 阅读(2.08W)



Nate: Excuse me, grandfather. Can I speak with you for a moment?

Guy: Zogby has them neck and neck. Rasmussen puts him up by a point。

Maureen: Tripp, that's fantastic。

Grandfather: Remember,until the polls close, any time someone mentions the name Tripp Van DerBilt, it should be followed by the word "hero."

Nate: Well, I guess miracles do happen, huh, grandfather?

Grandfather: Our family is really blessed. So is that man who almost died。

Nate: 打扰下,外公。能跟你说个事儿么?

Guy: Zogby的民意测试里头他们俩已经齐头并进了。拉姆森上面Tripp还更胜一筹。

Maureen: Tripp,真是太好了。

Grandfather: 记住,投票结束前,凡有人提到Tripp Van Der Bilt的名字,都必须跟上"英雄"二字。

Nate: 好吧,奇迹真的发生了,是吧,外公?

Grandfather: 我们家族有上苍保佑啊。当然那个差点丧命的人也是。

绯闻女孩Lily和Rufus婚礼乐队live歌曲Star power

口语讲解:neck and neck

这个词组用来表示两个竞争对手之间实力相当,打成平手,不分你我,齐头并进了。来历应该也挺容易想到的,看之前上海田径赛刘翔和那谁,那真叫neck and neck啊。